Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Life At the Nerd Tables, Part 1: "Why Does No One Ever Sit With Us?"

Okay, I'll admit, the question, "Why does no one ever sit with us?" was a completely rhetorical question.  And actually even the question itself was kind of a lie because people did occasionally come sit with us.  Granted, it was about the same three or four people who just didn't seem to want to/didn't have the same lunch time as us five days a week.  Besides, I knew what the answer was:

Because by my junior year of college when I asked this, I was already, basically, officially a part of the nerd group at my college--a loose affiliate of people mainly based around the techies, drama nerds, and music people, although a few of us had absolutely none of those talents and had just read a bunch of books and watched a lot of TV shows and movies.  I never ASKED to be part of the nerd group.  I didn't even notice I was part of it for a long time when it finally dawned on me that basically the only athletes I spoke with on a regular basis were the hockey players.  And even then, only about two of them.

So, at this point, when you realize this, you kind of start making fun of the jocks while simultaneously attending every single sporting event you could make it to.  After all, there often wasn't much else to do on campus besides going to the games.  Okay, yes, you could do homework, but if you do homework all the time, you're boring.

And nerds are NOT boring.

Anyway, it's not like the athletes could really hear you.  I mean, now with the dining hall completely remodeled and rearranged, I don't know how the social order has everyone sitting, but here is a basic diagram of what it looked like when I attended:


Allow me to repeat that caption again:  The above diagram is NOT ALWAYS followed!  There have been music people sitting with the jocks, jocks sitting with the nerds, and so on.  Also for those of you offended by my term "jocks," get over it.  That's what we called you.  I'm not saying all athletes are terrible people.  For crying out loud, there were people on my college's sports teams regularly seated among the nerds.  I'm using "jocks" to refer to the people who were the type who acted, dressed, and talked "cool."  Although, nearly every nerd can tell you they're wrong.  Bow ties and fezzes are cool.
Obligatory random Doctor Who reference

Anyway, back to what I'm talking about.  As you can tell by the title, this is part one of four because, let's face it, no one wants to hear me go on forever in one post about how awesome each nerd group I associated with was.

Anyway, the first group I'm going to talk about is one that mainly consisted of about four or five of us, depending on which semester it was.  And occasionally a few others who somehow could manage to stand our weirdness every once in a while.  And there are good reasons why "no one" ever sat with us.
  1. We had all once escaped from the mental hospital.  I remembered the least of it, and all I remember is something about an Asian pirate doctor wearing purple named Jack.  I think they wiped our brains before we left.  Like I said, I don't remember much.
  2. You probably needed to be a fan of Star Wars, Star Trek, or Stargate:  Atlantis to even begin to understand our conversations most days.
  3. Pinning and sending each other Pieces of Flair LONG after it was deemed no longer cool to do so.
  4. We would also talk extensively about books we read.  And how Cherie needed to learn to stop reading the last page first.  Once one of our absolute FAVORITEST teachers came and sat with us and we totally convinced him he needed to read Animal Farm because he had never done so and we were all like, "What?" and told he must read it!  These conversations are also how I knew the entire plot of The Hunger Games trilogy before I ever read it.
  5. Our extremely well-thought-out and viable plan to escape college and be halfway to Canada before anyone even knew we were missing.
  6. Retribution plan.  It always ends up with at least two of us dead.  Also involves escapes to Canada.  And maybe another country too.  I think it was France, but I'm not sure.
  7. Sarah and I assigning superheroes to our college's various societies back in the good old days when my college had societies.
    Wolverine was forever claimed in the name of Judson society that day
  8. Random outbursts of singing.
  9. Janet and I had conversations that went like this:
    Please note:  The above is not an actual conversation.  Rather, it is a sample of how a conversation could go.
    Furthermore, lest you think we're the worst friends on planet earth, I'm totally listening to what she's saying, and she's totally listening to what I'm saying.  We just don't know how to respond, so we keep going with our own agendas, and when we get to the end, we have both communicated all we need too.
  10. Something about Skype conversations that went on when Katrina wasn't around and therefore she was not privy to information about.  And you either.
So, there you are, the ten reasons on why almost no one really sat with us.  And I totally knew why no one sat with us.  But it was okay, because we were awesome, and we knew it.  Granted, awesome doesn't normally mean there's only a few of you, but awesomeness is relative.  And those of us who can withstand the weirded out looks of anyone within hearing distance and continue on with our lives knowing we're having fun and that we wouldn't trade our fun for a million popularity points will probably go on and do something awesome someday.

Edit:  Per my replies to the comment, here is a revised comic of what could also happen at lunch.

I never get anything I want...


  1. this thing doesnt seem to want to let me comment...try one more time...I AM NOT A PIG! that conversation (even with the disclaimer) makes me look obsessed with food...and you would probably be more likely to mention what was for dessert...and i do have to say pretty sure those hockey players were also nerds if its the two i'm thinking of....and our skype conversations are the i'd tell you but then i'd have to kill you so it really is best to not know

    1. Yes, for the record, more than likely the conversation would involve me knowing what dessert was, but I unfortunately ran out of room.

    2. Also, yes, conversations normally involved much more than food. For some reason, nachos came to mind. Probably because I thought about buying nachos at the baseball game last night and didn't. I will draw a new comic and post it

    3. about another sample conversation. (Why is this reply thing being stupid?)

    4. Oh, and yes, we are probably thinking of the same two hockey players, who are also nerds. For sure. My next post or two will cover more on the intermingling of social groups. Also, I have posted the promised new comic.

    5. so ummm i like the new comic but i have a comment on the part underneath...."i never get what i want"...since when did you want shep?!?! you never asked for shep (though you are right that you definitely cant have him)

    6. No, I didn't ask for him. I certainly considered it, though. Then decided it would be a bad idea. Not that asking for Ronan or Beckett was any better of an idea.

      Oh well, I always get Jack Sparrow at least. :)
